Artist Rosters Signature Artists
The top tier of artist membership in the California Art Club, Signature Artists – both painters and sculptors – include well-established artists who have exhibited their work extensively, been featured in leading art publications and won major awards at a national level.
Terry Masters
(1955–2021) -
Adam Matano
Jim McVicker
Joseph Mendez
Eric Merrell
Stephen Mirich
Jim Morgan
Douglas Morgan
Jennifer Moses
Ned Mueller
Charles Muench
C.W. Mundy
Craig Nelson
Billyo O’Donnell
Ralph Oberg
Michael Obermeyer
Alexander V. Orlov
Joseph Paquet
Daniel Pinkham
Alicia Ponzio
Nancy Popenoe
Jesse Powell
Scott Prior
Camille Przewodek
(1947–2024) -
April Perry Raber
(1948–2019) -
Gerald Rahm
R.S. Riddick
Victor Riesau
Ray Roberts
Junn Roca
Gayle Garner Roski
(1941–2020) -
Kate Sammons