Artist Rosters Signature Artists
The top tier of artist membership in the California Art Club, Signature Artists – both painters and sculptors – include well-established artists who have exhibited their work extensively, been featured in leading art publications and won major awards at a national level.
Dennis Doheny
Kathleen Dunphy
Donald Durborow
D.L. Engle
Lynn Gertenbach
(1940–2023) -
Max Ginsburg
Daniel Goozee
Robin Hall
Anita Hampton
Albert Handell
Quang Ho
William Hook
Timothy Horn
Jeffrey Horn
Gregory Hull
Richard Humphrey
Cindy Jackson
David Jonas
(1926–2014) -
Michelle Jung
Laurie Kersey
Chuck Kovacic
Paul Kratter
Peggi Kroll-Roberts
Jean LeGassick
Ruo Li
Calvin Liang
Huihan Liu
Simon Lok
Albert Londraville
(1922–2015) -
Carolyn Lord
Kim Lordier
Kevin Macpherson