August 2022 eNewsletter

Greetings Friend!

The opening of our signature event – the 111th Annual Gold Medal Exhibition – was a smashing success. Thank you to all the participating artists, the Gold Medal sponsors, and the staffs at both the Club and Bowers Museum for the team effort to bring this exhibition to life. The exceptional level of artwork showcased in the exhibition is truly astounding, and it could only be brought to fruition through the hard work of everyone involved.

And congratulations are in order for the Gold Medal artists who received honors at the opening event, including Brian Blood, the recipient of The Irvine Museum Award. Click here to view all of the artwork that received awards.

If you haven’t had a chance to see the Gold Medal Exhibition in person, I hope you make it to the Bowers Museum before the exhibition closes on August 21. I promise it is an exhibition that you won’t want to miss!

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