1. As an artist joining the CAC, initiation begins at the Associate Artist level
  2. A show of commitment, participation and acceptance into CAC-organized exhibitions elevates the artist’s recognition within the organization
  3. Once a year all Associate Artists are invited to submit an application for Artist Membership consideration (generally in the late summer/early fall)
  4. Artist Membership Submissions are reviewed by a varied panel of volunteer Artist and Signature members (the panel changes each year)
  5. The panel will make their selections based on the applicant’s technical skill, originality, consistency, commitment to the CAC, and if they believe the artist will enhance the Gold Medal Exhibitions
  6. After the Associate Artist becomes an Artist Member, s(he) will be invited to submit work for important group exhibitions, including those with museums and the Gold Medal
  7. Every two years, current active Signature Members are given a list of Artist Members via the Signature Artist Committee and asked to checkmark those which they recommend as excellent candidates to be elected as fellow Signature Members
  8. The Artist Members with the highest percentages of votes from Signature Artists are then reviewed by the Board of Directors
  9. The Board of Directors must unanimously agree to accept each proposed candidate for Signature membership
  10. After the Board of Directors cast their votes, the accepted Artists are notified as having been elected to Signature status