News: E-Newsletter
April 2021 E-Newsletter
Greetings Friend!
After a year of living with COVID-19, it is, once again, Spring – the season of new beginnings. While we are cautiously optimistic about starting to transition back to in-person exhibitions and events, we are marking this special time of year with more exceptional virtual programming, including the first installment of our Excellence in Traditional Fine Art Competition. Congratulations to the top award winners for the Spring theme of Renewal and Rebirth: Nathaniel Skousen, Rebecca Arguello, and Anna Rose Bain.
We are also preparing for Virtual ArtNight, one of Southern California’s most popular events focused on the arts. To be held Friday, April 16, the Spring edition of ArtNight will include a full schedule of enlightening and entertaining programming from nearly 30 organizations. CAC’s activities will continue our exploration into the cosmos with an art talk, live demonstrations and more. Save the date and stay tuned for details!